The Lutheran Women's Missionary League's (LWML’s) motto is “Serve the Lord with Gladness”. You will find this motto carried out everyday in the Faith Lutheran LWML whether it is serving funeral lunches, first Sunday coffee, or coffee at Maryhouse, or delivering large print Portals of Prayer, the women do it with gladness.

The LWML is mission oriented. It encourages women to live Christian lives. The six circles of Faith do this in many different ways: Altar Guild preparing the Church Sanctuary for Worship; Berea Circle taking care of the Library; Faith Circle preparing goodie boxes for the college students; Mary/Martha Circle visiting the elderly and shutins; Priscilla Circle supporting parents of Cradle Roll children and remembering them on special occasions, and Rebekah Circle’s support for the Daycare and Preschool, to list a few. They also do this by collecting “Mites” which are offerings above and beyond the support given to congregations and LCMS. These contributions go toward our district and national mission grants.

The Country Fair is a wonderful annual event that brings the whole congregation together to put all their talents to work for wonderful mission projects.

The 2019 Country Fair proceeds went to:
NATIONAL: Food Coop for seminary students, Mission Central in Iowa
DISTRICT: Higher Things Convention, Medical Mission Trip to Guatemala
LOCAL: St. Benedict's Guest House, Hotel Vouichers for hardships
IN-HOUSE: Daycare, Preschool, Lutheran Youth Fellowship (LYF), mission trips, banners and stands for church, Lutherans for Life, new equipment for gym.

The LWML also collects Dakotamart receipts with the proceeds going to the daycare and preschool.  Each year we hold a Silent Auction with the proceeds going to a selected mission project.  our Little Dresses for Africa project is taking a break this year.  Doreen Miller directs this project.

LWML Auxiliary Members - In order to become better acquainted with each other and to be of greater service, our LWML has developed an auxiliary that includes all women of the congregation.  Each woman who is not a member of a circle has been assigned to one of the circles as an auxiliary member.  As an Auxiliary member, you may be asked to assist Circle members in performing services, such as serving Sunday morning coffee, Maryhouse coffee, wedding receptions, funerals or other functions.  If you wish to volunteer to help with specific events or projects, please call the chairman or any member of the circle.  Auxiliary members are invited to visit or join any one of our circles.

Executive Council

Co-Presidents - Anita Marso and Jan Larson
Vice President - Dawn Koch
Secretary - Loretta Joachim
Treasurer - Kristy Deal

Circle Chairman

Altar Guild - Renee Knapp
Berea - Donna Gohl
Faith - Jessica Paul
May/Martha - Kathleen Monfore
Priscilla - Anita Marso
Rebekah - Janice Dockter

Bible Studies

Get connected with others in our church! Our schedule can be found here:

View our bible studies

Serving With Us

We are always looking for people to help on service projects or even with Sunday service.

Volunteer with us!

Service Times

Sunday at 8:30am and 11:00am
Wednesday at 7:00pm

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